Preparing the heating system in your home for winter can ensure that you stay cozy and comfortable all season. There are some maintenance tasks that you can take on yourself. Others, we recommend bringing in our team of experienced professionals to have the work done for you. We are expertly trained to spot minor issues before they cause major HVAC problems. We also know all of the various components of your system that require attention.

Replacing or Cleaning Filters
Your furnace has a filter that is designed to trap particulate matter that is passing through your HVAC system. This process can protect your heating equipment while also promoting healthy indoor air quality. Most filters need to be changed once every 30 to 90 days. Washable filters are also available for some systems. But you must make sure they are completely dry before you place them in your furnace housing.

If you have whole-house filtration equipment, those filters will need to be changed periodically as well. Whole-house dehumidification equipment often utilizes filters that need a periodic change or cleaning.

Check Thermostat Settings
If you have a programmable thermostat, check the schedule that you have set for your furnace. An ideal temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit in the wintertime, give or take a couple of degrees. If you’re going to be away from home for several hours, have your schedule reflect this by minimizing HVAC use. Your interior temperature can be brought back to a cozy temperature in anticipation of your arrival.

Smart thermostats allow you to control your interior temperature remotely. They also offer unique features like geofencing, which will adjust your home temperature based on where your thermostat detects you are.

Schedule Routine Inspections and Maintenance
Your HVAC system should be inspected once per year. Fall is a great time to have this cooling and heating maintenance performed. If anything is wrong, we will spot the problem before you face major disaster, such as equipment that fails completely and leaves you shivering. Repairs can then be made.

Seal Up Cracks and Gaps
Check your home for gaps and cracks around your windows, doors, foundation, etc. These spaces may be small, but they allow for heat loss that decreases the efficiency of your heating system. Caulk can be used around windows and doors. Weatherstripping is also an option. Door sweeps are beneficial under doors that allow a lot of air to pass through. To find weak spots, gaps, and other areas for improvement, you can schedule an energy efficiency audit. This allows experts with advanced tools to determine all the ways you could save on your energy bills by investing in new appliances, finding cracks and gaps, improving insulation, and other measures.

Utilize Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans can still be beneficial in the winter as well as the summer. Make sure they undergo maintenance by changing them to rotate in a clockwise direction. This will push cold air upwards and warm air down to where you are. You’ll notice that rooms feel cozier and more comfortable without having to run your furnace more frequently.

Check Your Vents
All the vents and registers in your home should be open and free of obstructions. This promotes ample airflow through your HVAC system to reduce strain. Also, you won’t notice cold spots in your home if you have everything open.

Inspect Your Pilot Light
The pilot light on a gas-powered furnace should burn bright blue in color. If you notice that this component is orange or yellow, there is a problem with your furnace that needs to be professionally addressed. Other issues include a flame that is flickering or weak. If you’re experiencing your pilot light going out frequently, let our team inspect your furnace. Make sure there aren’t any drafts in the area that may be affecting the ability of your pilot light to remain on. Other potential issues include condensation extinguishing the flame and a gas valve that isn’t open wide enough.

Reach Out to the Experts Now
If you would like more information about routine maintenance for your HVAC system, reach out to Comfort Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC for assistance. In addition to routine service, we also offer new AC and furnace installation, emergency repairs, indoor air quality services, fireplace maintenance, and more.

Don’t wait for the first frost to remind you—book a maintenance appointment today with Service Pro Titans. Give us a call at 312-312-7312 and enjoy peace of mind all winter long!